Friday, March 27, 2009


Scott surprised me today with a NEW double stroller for the boys!!!  He rocks!

I am so excited!!  The stroller is perfect for old town and I can get in and out of any store.  Because I walk so much and never drive a stroller was essential!  I can not wait to try it out!  

On another note, my sweet Luke is sick :(  He has a chest cold.  Thankfully, today will be nice out so we can go for a walk.  I hope Ryan doesn't catch what he has.  I plan on carrying around Purell with me all day.

Gotta run!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Today I am going to attempt to take the boys to the grocery store ALONE!  I have to say I'm pretty scared.  My game plan is to park, get a cart, stick Ryan in the car seat in the cart, then put luke in the front part.  This does not leave much room for groceries but I cant think of how else to do it??  God I hope its sunny and over 60 soon!  walking to the store with the boys in the stroller is so much easier!
On another note, I have had dinners every night this week!!  Mother of the year :)

Monday, March 23, 2009


Well, its 1pm and so far I am surviving my first day alone with the boys!  

Luke and I read books together and went outside for a bit while Ryan slept in his swing.  Things got a little hectic when Ryan woke up and needed to be feed.  So, I put Luke in the high chair with some yogurt.  I think this was the first time I actually didn't care how much yogurt ended up in his hair and lap!  He was occupied and happy so I could feed Ryan in peace.

When Luke wakes up from his nap I'll give him some lunch and head out for a walk to Trader Joe's.  I plan on putting Ryan in the sling.  I think it will do us all some good to get out of the house for some fresh air.  I'm also hoping that they have some good samples at trader Joe's!

Well, I m going to sit on the couch.  Shower will have to hold off until tonight.  Pony tail and sunglasses for me!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Ryan Michael Border

This post is WAY overdue! My sweet Ryan was born 10:44am on 2/27/2009. This first thing I heard from the doctor as he was being delivered was that he had a full head of black hair. I thought he was joking at first b/c Luke was born totally bald and still doesn't really have much hair (not that he needs it b/c it only makes you notice how beautiful his little face is). I was so excited to see Ryan and will forever remember looking into his eyes for the first time. As with Luke, this has become one of the most amazing moments in my life.

All my fears about sharing my heart and how Luke would manage with a sibling went away the second I saw Ryan. I'm sure most mothers expecting their second child have all felt this. The fear of how you could ever love anyone as much as your first and that your first child would somehow suffer from this. Boy was I wrong! It is amazing how much room my heart has for both my children. My love for Luke and Ryan now sit right next to each other. The love is completely equal yet totally different at the same time. The love a mother has for her children is almost impossible to describe in words. Its a kind of love that I surely never could have imagined existed until I held both Luke and Ryan for the first time and actually felt it. It grows each and every day. Becoming a mother is the most precious gift I have ever been given. There is so much responsibility in the title but the rewards of it seem endless.

I can't wait to see Luke and Ryan grow together. Knowing that they will always have each other is such a comfort to me. I picture them being best of friends. Most of all I look forward to the joy that they will bring to Scott and me for the rest of our lives.