Friday, May 29, 2009

Luke and Ryan

It has been SEVERAL weeks since I last updated my blog.  I feel so guilty but in my defense I have had little time to sit and write.  Both of my guys are doing amazing!  

Luke is a wonderful big brother to Ryan.  Whenever he sees Ba (Ryan) sleeping he put his finger to his mouth and whispers shh.  Sometimes the finger ends up in his nose or eye but he is trying :)  Luke can now do the Yo Gaba Gaba dances.  His favorite is the Hold Still Wiggle Wiggle song.  It is hysterical to watch him!  We got him doing it last night on tape.

Ryan has grown so much and is super sweet.  He loves to watch Luke.  Whenever he sees Luke he gets a big smile on his face.  I can't wait to see them play together.  Ryan continues to roll over once in a while.  He loves being talked to and being held.  His nighttime  sleeping could be better but I hope that will change soon!  I need to be patient.

This morning Luke woke up with a swollen right eye and massive bug bites all over him.  I am off to the store to get bug spray as soon as he wakes up.  Both boys are napping now and I think I will put my feet up on the couch.  Laundry is done, floors are clean - I am woman hear me roar :)

Monday, May 4, 2009


It is raining AGAIN!!!  Nothing is worse then rain and Mondays but when you combine the two together it is just torture!!  

On the upside it is 9am and Luke JUST woke up.  Wow.

Today we are getting together with my cousin and her 3 little ones as well as Cory.  Should be fun!  I am not sure how we will fit in our house but hopefully the children will have fun playing.  Yesterday Luke has some major molar pains so I hope he is feeling better today.

Well, need to get my Luke and start the day :)

PS.  Luke pooped in the bath tub last night.  I was waiting for that to happen.  Just thought I'd share.