Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Ryan!

Ryan turned 1 on 2/27!

He is already walking (started @ 11 months), can touch his ears, shake his head, wiggle when I ask, give me five, and clap. Genius! He is such a sweet baby. Ryan adores Luke and laughs like crazy when they play chase around the house with the push carts. Luke prefers the Lion and Ryan prefers the fire truck.

We had a great Birthday weekend with lots of parties. Saturday was family and Sunday was friends. Ryan had somewhat of a cake hangover on Monday :) He wasn't really aware what was going on or that it was his Birthday but still smiled on command for the camera and played it up when he was eating his cake.

Luke is still trying to understand that all the presents are actually Ryan's and not his. The whole sharing concept is a bit lost on Luke now but we are working on that.

Ryan had his 12 month Well Check today and he is 60% weight and 70th height. He no longer uses the bottle or formula. Sippy cups and whole milk for now on. It is truly amazing how quickly this year went.

I often think back to when I would ask my mom if she had a favorite child and roll my eyes when she said that she loved all 3 of us equally. Well, I think I owe her an apology b/c it really is true. Luke and Ryan are so different but I love them both so intensely that sometimes I feel like my heart will burst. I wish them all the happiness in the entire world. That is all the matters to me. I love to watch how they grow but secretly want them to stay little forever so I can protect them and make them laugh with a silly face. Forget the sleepless nights - the hard part is letting them grow up knowing that there will be times when they are disappointed or have hurt feelings. I hope they always know that they have me and that I truly do love them unconditionally. I remember a movie I once watched where a mother said "I would love you even if you were Jeffery Dahmer". So funny... But sort of true .. :)