I once had a couple of my cousins ask me what it was like to live with my Dad. I remember thinking it was sort of a strange question but I think my answer had something to do with yes, he is just as funny at home as he is at a party.
Anyone who knows my Dad appreciates how unbelievably funny he is. When I say funny I mean laugh so hard your belly hurts. Our family was really blessed is the sense of humor department. My brothers and I probably have at least 5 funny Dad stories that we can tell in the blink of an eye. Since this is my blog I'll tell you mine. I am pretty sure no one else will appreciate these except for my Dad and me. Here goes:
1. The story he tells when my Grandmother went to get his and my uncle Glenn's shirts tailored. I think the tailor described the measurements as that of a seal and an orangutan.
2. Thanksgiving Day 2007 when my mom cut into onions and proceeded to run into the room telling my Dad and me that she was totally blind.
3. Talking to my Dad on the phone after my mom's fist colonoscopy. I think he referred to the night before when she had to drink that stuff as the Passion of the Christ.
4. Cutting down our Christmas tree when I was in college (yes our family actually did that) and somehow the ending dance scene in Dirty Dancing came up when Johnny leads the entire audience down the aisle before the lift with Baby.
5. Any time he imitates Larry Cox. It is unreal how good he is!
I'm actually laughing now even writing this. I should, however, point out that he has done much more for me then just make me laugh. My Dad makes me feel like I can do anything in the world. If I am ever nervous or scared about any big event I call my Dad. I remember before every exam or oral presentation in college I'd call my Dad. In fact, before I had Ryan I called my Dad from the delivery room b/c I started to feel nervous. I hope that I will be able to do the same for my children.
There is no Father's Day card in the world that will do justice in telling my Dad how much I love him. I'm hoping that this little blog entry will come close :) I am by far the luckiest girl in the entire world to have you as my Dad. I love you so much!
Happy Father's Day.