Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Ryan - 2 years old on 2/27

Ryan knows all his letters and numbers and is actually starting to try and write them now. He has been able to count to 10 and sign the ABC's since about 18 months. He is still fearless and loves nothing better than to run and play with Luke. He gives the best hugs ever. Not into kissing but if you ask for a hug he will squeeze you with all his strength. It lights up my day when I get a hug from my sweet Ba :)

Luke - 3.5 years old

Luke LOVES puzzles and legos now. He has a great time building things and then immediately destroying them. Luke cracks me up with his little expressions that he picks up. The other day he looked at me while he was on the potty and said "I've had a long day". It was only 11am. Luke can write his name and can also write letters and numbers (when he feels like it). Mainly he wants to play but will show me how smart he is when he sees Ryan showing off.

Both guys are amazing and I love them with all my heart. They teach me to slow down and appreciate the little things in life. I love how excited they both get to see and try new things. I am so blessed to be their mom.

Love you guys!!