Wednesday, May 16, 2012

First Smiles!

Eve smiled at me for the first time last night at 6 1/2 weeks!  She is beautiful and we all adore her.  ESPECIALLY her big brothers.  Luke loves to show "baby"all his toys every morning and Ryan loves to hold her hand and pat her head :)

We are all totally smitten!

Things I don't want to forget

"Last Day" = yesterday
"Daddy are you going to stay all night?" = Are you going to be home all day?
"True Right" = yes
"PEAS" (with his head tilted to the side) = Please
"weee, boa, poo poo" = fan, boat, bird (he would say this every morning at my parent's house when he woke up around.  Luke was around 11 months old)
"Montney" = Monkey
"Stinkny" = Stinky
"Whole Big Family" = When all five of us go somewhere together.
"Mooseuszium" = Museum
"Dockner" = Doctor

"Wukey" = Lukey
"No Bank You" = No thank you (he says this all the time the minute he sees his teachers at school or basically any time he doesnt want to do something.  He also says it when I call for him to come out of his room.
"Where is my cate?" = Where is my batman cape?.
"NO!!! NO!!!" = when are stranger tries to smile at him he screams this (totally embarrassing but pretty funny).
"Here Go" = Here you go (when he hands you something).
"Boo fly" = Butterfly (one of his first words)
"Bye Bye See ya soon" = Started saying this at 18 months.
"Wizzers" = scissors
"Franklinstein" = Frankenstein