Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Houston we have a poop in the potty!


After 3 days on not wearing pants, going through bags of candy, OJ, Gatorade, Lemonade, etc Ryan FINALLY had a perfect potty day!

He of course did it on his terms.  Ryan waited until no one was looking or asking him to finally poop in the potty.  After he did it he ran to me and screamed "I poop Mommy"!!

Luke, Ryan and I all jumped and screamed and hugged about how happy we were :)  This might sound lame but the best part of the whole thing was seeing how genuinely proud Luke was of his little brother.  Luke gave Ryan a hug and a pat on his head and said "good job Ba Ba" and Ryan smiled back a him and said "bank you Wukey".

Now lets just hope he doesn't forget how to go over night!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

2 Months!!

Eve is now 2 months!

I can not believe how fast the time has gone.  Eve is doing so well.  She is about 11.5 pounds now.  She smiles all the time.  Especially at Daddy.  She already only has eyes for him :)  Scott of course loves it!

Luke and Ryan still adore her.  They are so good to her and love to try and make her smile.  Ryan especially loves to give her hugs.  Its amazing to see her look at them.  It is like she already knows who they are and can't wait to be a part of things.

Eve is NOT sleeping through the night :(  She HATES the bottle right now.  I need to keep trying and see if she will eventually get used to it.  Her favorite place is in the Bjorn right up against us.  I think it reminds her of being in my belly.  She also loves to lie on our bed and watch the ceiling fan.  Scott and I plan to put one in her room ASAP :)

We think Eve will have blue eyes and auburn hair like her mama :)  I think she is just beautiful.  Actually, I know she is b/c we have random strangers come up and compliment her sweet face.  She is the perfect combination of Luke and Ryan right now.  She has Ryan's checks and Luke's features.  Although I think she sort of resembles G-Mom a little :)

I can't wait for her little personality to come out more.  She is the perfect addition to our "whole big family" as Luke would say.  I couldn't love her anymore than I do now.  I feel very lucky to have a daughter.  Especially because I have such a wonderful relationship with my Mom. I can only hope Eve and I will be the same :)