Wednesday, August 8, 2012

4 Months!

Just rolled today!  Front to back :)

Eve has jumped from 1% in height to 14th%!!  She weighs 14 pounds 3 oz and is in the 52% for weight.

I have been given the green light to begin solids.  I can not believe how fast the time has gone.  I feel like I barely even remember being pregnant with her!  Eve is by far the sweetest and prettiest little baby girl in the whole world!  She has FINALLY started to grow out of her colicky phase.  I can actually lie her on a blanket and she is perfectly happy to look around and reach for things.  It has been a very nice change!

Luke and Ryan are still the best big brothers.  They love to hold Eve and lie with her on the ground.  She lights up when she hears their voice and breaks out on huge smiles and giggles when she sees them.

This morning Lukey said that Evie is the prettiest baby that he has "never seen before".  So cute!