Friday, January 10, 2014


My Dad loves to hear all of our "Ryan stories".

These are a few of my favorites:

Ryan arguing with his Tae Kwon Do teacher about the spelling of his name.
Master Yang wrote Ryan's name down in Korean on his uniform.  Ryan looked at the name and INSISTED it was spelled wrong (b/c it wasn't written in english but in korean).  It was so funny.  I tried to explain it was written in a different language but he just did not buy it!

Ryan almost getting kicked out of preschool.
His teacher actually asked me if his tantrums caused us to not leave the house.

Ryan speaking to a peer when he is mad - "Friend!  I do not love that".

Sitting in the car for 30 minutes while its 90 degrees outside b/c Ryan refuses to sit in his car seat.

After I cut Ryan's hair he asked me where the tape was.  I asked him why and he told me he needed to tape all his hair back on.

Wearing a cone Birthday hat to school for a month straight.

Wearing a pirate hat to school for a month straight.

Wearing a Santa hat to school for a month straight.

Wearing underwear on backwards so he can "see the picture".

Refusing to change shoes if they are on the wrong feet.

Only wearing boots when it is sunny.

Those are just a few!

Email from Luke's teacher

This is an email form Luke's teacher Mrs Foreman.  Luke made the "Dynamite Dragon" list for the month of December.  Only one child a class can make it each month.  SO PROUD.

  I am sorry if I have not spoken with you about it!!  Yes, he is a dynamite dragon.  He was such an easy pick for the month of December!  Luke is an outstanding student.  I know I have told you so many times before, he always participates, he gets so excited about learning new content, he loves reading group, and I LOVE teaching him!  He always sets a great example for others in the classroom, hallway, gym, lunchroom and anywhere we are:)  He is a good citizen every day and is definitely a leader.

I actually do not post the dynamite dragon in my newsletter.  Maybe I should!!  I'll put a little something about dynamite dragon in the one for next week to acknowledge the students that have been it before, and just to mention to parents to continuously speak to their children about being a good citizen and making excellent choices:)

You should be very proud!