Sunday, November 23, 2008


Today I went to a health food cooking class for babies.  Wow.  I now feel like i need to throw out everything in my kitchen!  I was a little overwhelmed and sort of grossed out at points as well (the lady breastfeed her son until he was 3!!  eww).   But, it was super interesting and I am going to do everything I can to use the right foods when cooking now for Luke and for us.  At the moment I cant remember what those foods are but she gave out handouts so lets hope she has them there!  

The class was 3 hours long and my sweet one armed husband watched Luke the whole time!  When I came home Luke was wearing a sweater no pants and one shoe.   Scott says they had a good time and took a nice nap together.  :)

I am totally bummed that tomorrow is Monday :(  But thankfully it is a short week!  We are heading up to DE for thanksgiving and I cant wait to see my family!!! 

Well, this is it for today.  Hopefully tomorrow I can come up with some sort of healthy dinner - hmm, wonder if getting the salad bar at Whole Foods would count???  :)

1 comment:

Mom said...

The healthy lifestyle is a great habit to get into BUT take it with a grain of salt (no pun intended). Fruits, veggies, lean meats and fish...I think you're doing it already!