Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Where is the Letter A?

I think Luke may now know some of his letters!  In the tub tonight I asked him where the letter A was and he actually found it!  It is so amazing how much his brain is like a little sponge.  I think he knows way more then I realize and everyday he does something new.  I'm trying to get him to identify shapes now.  So far he knows star and possibly heart.  Genius!

Luke also loves doing flash cards.  I have about 200 different cards that we do EVERY day.  He LOVES them.  I actually have to hide them from him sometimes b/c its all that he will want to do.  I should also mention that he also loves to throw them across the room and then run on top of them :)

If you can't tell already I'm a very proud mama!  

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