Monday, April 20, 2009


Ryan is smiling now all the time :)  Its so sweet to see his little face light up.  I think I have gotten him to laugh as well.  He gets up about 6am every minoring and this is when I get a lot of one on one time with him b/c no one else is awake (lucky them!).  I actually look forward to that time:)  He is so alert and really wants to be talked to and held.  Yesterday he was in his swing and Luke was watching him and both boys were just smiling at each other.  It was so cute to see that!  I think they will be great buddies.
My poor Luke is getting in his molars so he has been in a lot of pain recently.  But today (even with the rain!) he seems to be feeling better.  He is in a climbing phase now so we have to keep a constant eye on him.  He is still totally obsessed with going outside but I think that is a good thing.  I would rather that then have him watch TV all day.  He loves all his outside toys and also loves to hear all the noises of birds, plains, trucks, buses, etc.  It is so cute to watch him.  Luke also now knows the power of the word please.  He has figured out he gets pretty much anything he wants when he tilts his head and smiles and says "peas".  It is so precious and he knows it!
Scott is back to work today :(  All three of us miss him terribly!  I am looking forward to him having paternity leave again with #3 (ha ha, I hope you are reading this Scott!!!)

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