Monday, September 14, 2009


I hate how sometimes it takes a tragic event to make you realize how lucky and blessed you are. I need to be better about taking a moment out of each day to really thank god for all that I have.

I just spent about 30 minutes rocking a very tired little boy to sleep. I was up 2 times last night and honestly can not remember who it was that woke up screaming. Our living room has about 100 little and big trucks thrown across the floor. I was about to do a deep sigh b/c all I want to do is take a nap instead of picking up toys and folding about 2 weeks worth of clothes. Instead, I am taking the time to really thank my lucky stars. I have an amazing husband that can still make me feel like the only person in the room and 2 of the sweetest little boys on earth.

It really doesn't get any better than that. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

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