Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Luke's 2nd school Review

Luke is doing so well in Kindergarten!  His teacher is wonderful and she has taught Luke so much!  Luke is now reading and has moved up in his reading level group.  He can now sound out words and write sentences.  Best of all Mrs. Foreman says he is a joy to have in the classroom.  He always tries his best and is a good friend.

I'm so proud of him.  There is nothing cooler than having him read to us before bedtime.  I love to watch him concentrate and sound out the words.  He is such a smart, kind and gentle child.  Even though he is my oldest he is the one who always requests the nighttime snuggles before bed.  I make a point to NEVER refuse and always stay longer than I should.  I just can't help myself :)

Below are a few pictures from our meeting.

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