Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Race CAR bed

Over the past two weeks we have been trying to get Luke adjusted to his race car bed. It is pretty funny. Luke goes crazy in his room when we shut the door. He runs around the room and throws all his stuffed animals on the bed and then jumps around with them. We haven't made it through the night yet but I hope it will happen soon! Yesterday I had to put him back in his crib when he decided to pay Ryan a visit in his room. Ryan is just starting to sleep through the night so I don't want to do anything to mess that up! At one point last night when I layed next to Luke he put his arms out so I would give him a hug. We snuggled for about 5 minutes until he decided to start jumping again on the bed. I need to hire a sleep trainer to come here and do all this for me :)

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