Monday, April 2, 2012

Evangeline Rose Border

On March 31st, 2012 Scott and I welcomed our daughter into the world! She is perfect and we are all so in love with her. Big brothers Luke and Ryan are completely taken with her as well. Lukey just wants to look at her and hold her. Ryan pretty much wants to do whatever Luke wants as well even though he doesn't really know why :) I know they will be the best big brothers to their little sister. So far, we think she resembles Luke as an infant. Luke is happy to now have someone in the family with similar hair color to his.

Evie was born around 8:30am and weighed 6 pounds 6 oz. She is tiny but one tough cookie! Evie had to be born at 37 weeks due to a blood incompatibility with me. She has a protein in her blood called Big E that I do not. As a result, my body produced antibodies that had the potential to attack all her red blood cells causing her to become anemic in the womb. Thankfully, my red blood cells and her blood ignored each other enough to not cause her any harm. I think my heart had a talk to my red blood cells telling them how important that little girl is to me :)

Evie so far is a very sweet and sleepy baby. She is eating pretty well when she is awake. Keeping her awake involves me having to get her naked b/c she doesn't like being un swaddled. BUT mommy doesn't like resembling Dolly Parton right now so she needs to get her girl eating!

Words can not describe how happy and blessed we all are to have our little family completed by this sweet baby girl. I can't wait to get her home and start the madness as a family of 5!!!

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