Thursday, November 12, 2009

I am procrastinating now b/c I have about a billion things to do. Tomorrow I leave for AZ to visit some friends! The guys will drop me off at the airport and then head to Scott's parents house. As excited as I am I still feel a little sad. It is really hard for me to leave my boys (the big one is included).

Luke got his first report card ever! He was described as a very sweet and happy little boy! His teachers said they are working on helping Luke verbalize his emotions. He is also learning how to take off his own coat. Big stuff! I think the biggest news is that he has a GIRLFRIEND!!! Her name is Annie and she is one of five children! Apparently, they are attached at the hip and Luke calls her name the entire time at school. Actually, today Annie was absent and the teachers said Luke kept on calling her name and looking for her. So precious!

Ryan is doing wonderful as well. He is crawling all over the place and is getting his 2 front teeth. This will make 5 teeth total so far. He LOVES his bath and cries when I take him out. He is still so interested in Luke and just wants to be next to him at all times. Luke isn't sure he likes that. Luke at least will now kiss Ryan after he rips a toy out of his hand and screams "mine".

These little guys completely wear me out but overall I just can't seem to get enough of them :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


It has been soooo long since I last updated. Things have been pretty bus around here. Both the guys are napping now so here is what we have been up to:

Luke is in school 2 days a week from 9-12pm. He LOVES it and so does Mommy!! While he is gone I run around like a crazy woman doing laundry, cleaning the house, going to the store, etc. Luke's teacher told me that Luke's little personality comes out more and more each time he goes :) He occasionally has trouble sitting in a circle and singing the good morning song and good bye song but besides that is such a good boy! He is using words more and more and slowly diminishing the word "ehh, ehh, ehh" when he wants something.

Ryan has 3 teeth and 2 new ones coming in! He is crawling ALL over the place! He loves to pull up and to follow Luke around everywhere. Luke is not so sure about that. I have managed to solve little fights by telling Luke to give Ba a toy to play with. Otherwise, Luke will take the toy out of Ba's hand and yell "MINE".

Scott has been out of town working his tail off. We miss him terribly when he is gone :( It reminds me of a Father's Day card I got him from Chris Rock that goes something like "thanks Dad for knocking out the rent this month, it sure is nice to read with all this light" Ha ha.

We just got back from a trip to Nashville for Vanderbilt's Homecoming. So, so fun! Only problem is that we are both sick now. I guess this is the official sign that we are way to old to stay out past 11pm!

Hmm, that is about it. I need to switch laundry. Very exciting.

Monday, September 28, 2009

First Cold :(

Ryan has his very first cold at exactly 7 months. He has a runny nose and is pooping up a storm! Poor little guy just is not himself. Lots of hugs and kisses will hopefully cure him :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Luke has been doing so well in his pre-school! He really loves it! However, our first day was a little rough. When I say rough I mean rough on me! Luke could have cared less when I left him. I cried the entire way home. I was sort of shocked at my total loss of control but I think most moms have done the same thing. I think the best part of my entire day is when I pick him up. The children all gather by the door and wait for their parents to pick them up. The look on Luke's face when he sees me absolutely melts my heart. He gives a big smile and runs to me for a hug. I almost cry every time!

I think this will be a great experience for him. He is by far the youngest in the class but I can already tell he has friends. They say "bye, bye Luke" and Luke answers them in his own little language :) They don't seem to mind that it is not English just yet. The parents are also super nice so I hope to make some new friends as well :) I think this is a learning experience for all of us!

Monday, September 14, 2009


I hate how sometimes it takes a tragic event to make you realize how lucky and blessed you are. I need to be better about taking a moment out of each day to really thank god for all that I have.

I just spent about 30 minutes rocking a very tired little boy to sleep. I was up 2 times last night and honestly can not remember who it was that woke up screaming. Our living room has about 100 little and big trucks thrown across the floor. I was about to do a deep sigh b/c all I want to do is take a nap instead of picking up toys and folding about 2 weeks worth of clothes. Instead, I am taking the time to really thank my lucky stars. I have an amazing husband that can still make me feel like the only person in the room and 2 of the sweetest little boys on earth.

It really doesn't get any better than that. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Luke!

My baby is 2 years old today! Wow, how did that happen? We are starting his day off right by having chocolate cake for breakfast :) When I was a little girl I used to LOVE having cake for breakfast so I think this is a nice tradition to keep!

Today is one huge event after the other. This morning we meet Luke's preschool teachers and tonight I have my very first back to school night. I officially am a grown up. I just hope they don't tell us he will have homework. I am laughing to myself thinking about doing homework on our kitchen table as my mom cooked dinner. It was (how can I put this?) a lively event (ask my brother Billy for more details:)

Well, I need to get dressed and get the house ready for playgroup. Before I go I would like to share a few words to Luke. I remember so vividly the first time I held you 2 years ago. It was by far the most incredible moment in my life. I thank god every single day for choosing me to be your mother. You are such an amazing little boy. I love you so much. Happy Birthday!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

On the move!

wow, Ryan is crawling already! He is so eager to catch up and play with Luke. Luke on the other hand is not so sure he likes that idea! Luke is having to learn how to share with his brother. This is a lot easier said than done for a two year old. If Ryan has a toy Luke will come up to him and say "mine". Ryan will usually end up crying while watching Luke run off with whatever he was playing with. I guess this is only the beginning to this stuff :)

Ryan also has 2 bottom teeth. He got these at about 4 months old. Luke was 8 months when he first got his bottom teeth. I am not looking forward to the dreaded molars! I hope we have a while until that whole can of worms.

Overall, the guys are amazing and I am just plain happy! :)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

1.What time did you get up this morning?
4:30am - thank you ryan

2. How do you like your steak?
well done with a big glass of red wine

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
superbad - it was super bad. dirt ball humor is not my thing.

4. What is your favorite TV show?
that is a hard question. So far, Lost, True Blood, Wire, shield

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
anywhere my family is.

6. What did you have for breakfast?
Coffee, left over cereal from Luke and Teddy Grahams.

7. What is your favorite cuisine?
hmm, hard one to answer. I like anything that I don't have to cook.

8. What foods do you dislike?
I hate hate string beans!

9. Favorite Place to Eat?
Eating out is my favorite place to eat... that way i don't cook, or have dishes to clean.

10. Favorite dressing?
Caesar - duh.

11. What kind of vehicle do you drive?
Ford Edge

12. What are your favorite clothes?
Soft t-shirt and my leggings (scott makes fun of me but it is so comfy)

13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?
Hawaii - but I am scared to fly so I would need to be heavily drugged.

14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?
Half full... even better if it's half full of wine.

15. Where would you want to retire?
Where ever luke and ryan live. (I promise to babysit, they will appreciate that some day!)

16. Favorite time of day?
When both my babies are sleeping and I am watching our shows on the couch in my PJs with my pickle

17. Where were you born
Alexandria, VA

18. What is your favorite sport?
Does shopping count if I walk fast to each store?

19. Bird watcher?
People watcher... way more fun that birds.

20. Are you a morning person or a night person?

21. Do you have any pets?
Marylou, deuce, and sweet angle gussy

22. What did you want to be when you were little?
a mother :)

23. Are you a cat or dog person?
Dog fo sure!

24. Always wear your seat belt?

25. Been in a car accident?
yes, minor fender bender right before I got married. I actually got a new car b/c it was declared a total loss by insurance. Also, I was hit in a parking lot while sitting in my car.

26. Any pet peeves?
when you ask someone to do something and they ask you if they can do it in 10 minutes. If I wanted it done later I would have waited to ask!

27. Favorite Pizza Toppings?
Cheese with some more Cheese

28. Favorite Flower?
Rose, of course!

29. Favorite ice cream?
cookies and cream

30. Favorite fast food restaurant?
Hardes - LOVE the curly fries! I also like pizza hut.

31. How many times did you fail your driver's test?
Zero. I took it a few moths after I turned 16. My mom had to drag me there. I still hate driving.

32. From whom did you get your last email?
my mother's group

33. Which store would you choose to max your credit card?
Hmm, restoration hardware, pottery barn, sacks, nordstroms - I can max it out pretty much anywhere :)

34. Do anything spontaneous lately?
Ahh, does letting Luke push ryan in the stroller count?

35. Broccoli?
love it.

36. What was your favorite vacation?
Aruba - my honeymoon almost 5 years ago! Oh, and Ireland with my parents was so fun.

37. Last person you went out to dinner with?
Scott and Ryan

38. What are you listening to right now?
Noggin. Ryan has a thing for Moose A. Moose.

39. What is your favorite color?
blue - I can't help I ahve 2 little boys :)

40. How many tattoos do you have?
Zero. Way to afrain of getting a diease to ever even consider.

41. Coffee drinker?
YES! We bought the most amazing coffee machine 2 years ago, I love it. If I could hug it I would.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


We are at the beach right now having the best time! Unfortunately, Scott could not make it because of work :(

We have hit the beach, funland, Nicholas pizza, thrashers fries, and ice cream on the board walk. Luke had so much fun on the rides at funland. He has no fear and was even the only child on the ride at times. He went on the boats, fighter planes, fire engine, cho-cho train, and helicopter rides. Ba was not so into it :( I think the loud noises bothered him. I have some great pictures and videos of it all. I just need Scott to help me upload them.

Luke was not so interested in the ocean but loves digging in the sand and chasing after seagulls. He also ran up and down the boardwalk screaming "go, go, go". It's the little things that make him happy :)

My mom is a total hero and helped so much with the guys. She somehow managed to get EVERY one of Luke's dirty diapers (ha ha). I got to sleep in one morning until 8am. I think my mom now needs another vacation from our vacation. I can't leave Pop-pop out. He took Luke on about 100 "tours". Lukey loves the tours!

Such a wonderful time and as my auntie fran would say we made lots and lots of memories. Can't wait until next summer to do it all again (plus my parents need about a year to recover!) .

Thursday, August 13, 2009

1st tooth

Ryan is getting his very first tooth! It is the bottom left tooth. I can not believe it. Luke was about 9 months old when he got his first tooth. So, this will begin the END to breastfeeding. Sort of a great excuse. Momma does not do teeth! So, I am happy but also a little sad. He is only 5 and half months old but still - time is flying by. I really think Ryan will be crawling in a few weeks. He can get up on all fours and scooch across the room. Luke was an early crawler too. I remember Luke doing his army crawl by 5 or 6 months. So, Ryan is following in the steps of his bog brother :)

Luke is wonderful. Talking up a storm in a language that I can sometimes understand. We are on a major playground kick. We go at least once a day. Luke loves it and I have fun chatting with the other moms.

So, that is about it for now. We are looking forward to grandma coming here today for the weekend. Yay for dinners out without the kiddos!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


It is 8:41am right now. Luke is still sleeping and Ryan is taking his morning snooze. I'm on the computer reading about tofu shirataki pasta while drinking my coffee. Such a nice quiet morning. It is rainy today so I plan on taking the guys to Toys R Us and then to Whole Foods to find this tofu stuff. This afternoon we playgroup at Charlotte's house.

We have had a nice week. I found a great new playground that Luke and I love. It is right by the King Street metro. It is a great walk for me and Luke gets to see all the "cho chos" (metro buses) go by. This is the only playground that I can get Luke to leave without him crying. All I have to do is mention that we will get to see the cho chos on our way home. He really does have a thing for heavy machinery :)

I am on bed time duty alone tonight - ouch.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Oh, What a Night

Friday was the first time Luke slept in his big boy bed for the entire night! It took him a solid 2 hours to fall to sleep but once he was out he was good to go. Unfortunately, last night was a little bit of a disaster. Luke woke up at 4am screaming. He ran to his door where we have the gate up and knocked it down. So, that loud noise woke up the whole house. Thankfully, Ryan feel back to sleep on his own right after that. BUT, about 10 minutes later Luke got up again and decided to pay Ryan a visit in his room. Ryan of course woke up for that and we had to put Luke back in his crib. Good news is that Ryan slept in to 8:15am and Luke slept til 9:00am. YAY. Other good news - Scott decided to make our award wining Chili this morning. Yum :)

Nap time for both boys starts in about 10 minutes! Mommy might join in on this :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Quote of the Day

"Worry looks around. Sorry looks back. Faith looks up. Life looks forward..."

Ready or Not?

Last night we ALMOST got Luke to sleep in his big boy bed. He feel asleep for about 10 minutes but woke back up again. He cried a little bit in between playing. I don't think he gets it just yet. This brings me to my dilemma. Am I pushing him to much? Is he ready? I feel like b/c Luke is the older brother and seems so big compared to Ryan that we end up expecting more from him. I have to remind myself (and others too) that he isn't even 2 years old yet. He still is a baby. People see that we have two kids and don't really realize how close in age both guys are(they are used to the typical 3 year spacing b/w siblings). I started feeling so guilty last night. It brought me back to when I was expecting Ryan and so worried about how Luke would handle the change. It was so strange, on 2/26 Luke was still my baby but on 2/27 when Ryan was born it was like Luke turned into this man child. He looked so big to me and no longer my baby. I get sort of chocked up thinking about it. This fall he starts pre-school. He will be by far the youngest child there. I, once again, am worried I am pushing him. If Ryan were not here I wonder if I would have waited a year? Ugh, I guess this feeling of guilt comes with being a mom. I can't help it. All I want for them is to be as happy as possible and always know that I love them unconditionally. I guess that is all we can really do for our children. I can not protect them from everything but I can sure as heck try to!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

play time

The boys have been interacting more and more with each other lately. It melts my heart to see them smile together and laugh. Ba adores Luke and will spend so much time just watching him. Luke isn't as interested in Ryan yet but he likes when Ryan laughs at him.

Right now Ryan in sitting in his bombo chair and Luke is "reading" a book next to him. Every now and then Luke will glance up at Ryan to see if he is paying any attention. Yo Gaba Gaba is of course playing in the background. I'm sort of ashamed to admit this but both Luke and Ryan share in the obsession of Yo Gaba Gaba. They both seriously watch it together and that show has saved me from MANY meltdowns. I have a special place in my heart for DJ Lance Rock :)

Well, this weekend Uncle Chris is in town and we are very excited to see him. This will be Ryan's first time meeting him. We are spending the whole weekend with Grandma and Grand-dad B. It will be lots of fun! We plan on making a trip to the pool and running around in sprinklers :) Cant wait!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

summer fun

We had such a nice weekend! The weather is gorgeous. There is very low humidity and nothing but blue skies. The 4 of us walked to a great restaurant here around 4ish and ordered some french fries for Luke and wine for us :) Luke LOVES french fries. He is very into dipping things so when the waiter brought out the fries with 2 different dipping sauces Luke was a happy little man! Ryan sat in my lap while I gave him a bottle and enjoyed looking at the lights. When we got home Luke played in our sprinkler in the backyard. He was in his diaper and freezing but still having the best time.

These are my favorite kinds of weekends. No plans and just the 4 of us. There really is nothing better :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Race CAR bed

Over the past two weeks we have been trying to get Luke adjusted to his race car bed. It is pretty funny. Luke goes crazy in his room when we shut the door. He runs around the room and throws all his stuffed animals on the bed and then jumps around with them. We haven't made it through the night yet but I hope it will happen soon! Yesterday I had to put him back in his crib when he decided to pay Ryan a visit in his room. Ryan is just starting to sleep through the night so I don't want to do anything to mess that up! At one point last night when I layed next to Luke he put his arms out so I would give him a hug. We snuggled for about 5 minutes until he decided to start jumping again on the bed. I need to hire a sleep trainer to come here and do all this for me :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4 months!

My sweet Ryan had his 4 month checkup yesterday. Ba is 75th% in height and weight. He has hit all his milestones with flying colors. Ba laughs, coos, engages eye contact, and is a rolling machine! The doctor thinks he may have green eyes. I have to say that both my boys have gorgeous eyes. I take full credit :) Ryan got two vaccinations. I think the most surprising part of the visit was that he didn't cry after each shot. It certainly was not the reaction I was expecting! Tough little man! Perhaps it's just that his thighs are very well padded? :) (Ryan actually has cellulite in his knees! I love it!) The doctor also commented on how much of a sweet and mellow baby he is. I was given the green light to start him on solids but I think I will wait a month or so. He is doing so well now that I don't see the need to start all that mess just yet!

I love my little Ba to pieces. I feel like he has been with us all along and its hard to believe that he was only born 4 months ago. It must feel that way b/c he has always been in my heart right next to his big brother and Daddy.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


The past few weeks have been pretty amazing! Luke is talking more and more. He repeats words to us after we say them and seems to know all his colors and shapes! He is so smart and so much fun to watch. The backyard and Deuce are his two most favorite things in the entire world. Mini cars are also up there. He is becoming more and more affectionate with me as well. He loves to get hugs and blow kisses after we say I love you. When Luke gets a bobo or hurt he runs to me for a hug and I try to make it last as long as possible. Usually it's longer then Luke wants but I can't help myself.

Ryan is full of personality and loves to be talked to. He smiles at everyone and anything (including Yo Gaba Gaba). Ryan can roll and scooch across the floor on his belly. He loves being on the activity mat to "work out". He is an outgoing baby but only when mommy is in clear view. I would be lying if I said I didn't like that :) Ryan has a very unique smile. It starts on the right side of his mouth and then expands to a full on grin. He is absolutely precious.

So far, my most favorite memory of Luke and Ryan was about 2 weeks ago when Ryan and Luke were on the floor together and both laughing at each other. It was so adorable! I have no idea what was so funny (possibly mommy's hair and outfit that day) but they were cracking up! It was awesome for me to see and I caught a little glimpse of the future. These two little guys are going to have fun!

7/28/09 was Ryan's baptism. He is officially a little saint like his brother :) Ryan (to Scott's horror) wore the same dress Luke did and that I did as well. Nothing like tradition! We had a great party back at the house with all our family and close friends. It was a great day!

Everyday is full of new beginings for us and I am totally wiped out by the time I finally hit the sack. Yep, I can honestly say I have never been happier :)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Luke and Ryan

It has been SEVERAL weeks since I last updated my blog.  I feel so guilty but in my defense I have had little time to sit and write.  Both of my guys are doing amazing!  

Luke is a wonderful big brother to Ryan.  Whenever he sees Ba (Ryan) sleeping he put his finger to his mouth and whispers shh.  Sometimes the finger ends up in his nose or eye but he is trying :)  Luke can now do the Yo Gaba Gaba dances.  His favorite is the Hold Still Wiggle Wiggle song.  It is hysterical to watch him!  We got him doing it last night on tape.

Ryan has grown so much and is super sweet.  He loves to watch Luke.  Whenever he sees Luke he gets a big smile on his face.  I can't wait to see them play together.  Ryan continues to roll over once in a while.  He loves being talked to and being held.  His nighttime  sleeping could be better but I hope that will change soon!  I need to be patient.

This morning Luke woke up with a swollen right eye and massive bug bites all over him.  I am off to the store to get bug spray as soon as he wakes up.  Both boys are napping now and I think I will put my feet up on the couch.  Laundry is done, floors are clean - I am woman hear me roar :)

Monday, May 4, 2009


It is raining AGAIN!!!  Nothing is worse then rain and Mondays but when you combine the two together it is just torture!!  

On the upside it is 9am and Luke JUST woke up.  Wow.

Today we are getting together with my cousin and her 3 little ones as well as Cory.  Should be fun!  I am not sure how we will fit in our house but hopefully the children will have fun playing.  Yesterday Luke has some major molar pains so I hope he is feeling better today.

Well, need to get my Luke and start the day :)

PS.  Luke pooped in the bath tub last night.  I was waiting for that to happen.  Just thought I'd share.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

what's up with that?

What is going on with the whole Swine Flu and Measles outbreaks??  Pretty scary.  Although, I think the media just likes having something to talk about.  

We were at the grocery store the other day and a lady came right up to me and got right in Ryan's face.  He was in the Bjorn carrier.  It annoyed me so much.  Ryan was sleeping with his head on my chest and she was practically reaching in to try and turn his head.  I backed up and I think she got the hint - DON'T TOUCH MY KIDS!!.  I guess I can't blame her to much though.  They are the most beautiful children I have ever seen :)

Luke now calls for Ryan.  He calls him "Ba".  Its so cute.  He will name everyone in the room starting with "dada, mama, deu, mae mae, and ba".

Well, gotta run.  Luke is in his toy box throwing out every single toy.  I need to make sure no one is in the line of fire!

my sweet boys

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

Roll Over

Ryan rolled over for the first time at 8 weeks!  I am amazed at this.  The first roll we thought was just a fluke BUT Ryan managed to do it again several times and even switched sides :)  I'm a very proud momma!  We took some video to document the milestone :)  Ryan is such a great baby.  Very relaxed and LOVES to smile.  He thinks we are all very funny and has a sweet giggle.  I think he has inherited my incredible sense of humor :)

Luke has also made some important developments!  He can actually do the dance from Yo Gabagaba with Jack Black.  Its so cute!  He does that Staying Alive move - point up to the sky, point down to the ground, and roll you arms.  We have now watched that episode about 500 times but to be honest I sort of like watching it too!

The weather is sooo hot now but does not phase Luke at all.  He is so in love with the backyard and has the best time puttering around.  We put up a screen on the back door so he and the dogs can come in and out of the house when they please.   Luke is great at warning me when he sees a bug now.  I actually really appreciate that b/c I like to sit in the sun with Ryan.  Luke will yell "Bu, Bu, Bu" at the top of his lungs when there is an aunt or any other yucky thing crawling around.

Today is Monday so no more Daddy to help :(  Luke sometimes forgets that Scott is at work and will call out for him during the day.  Its so sweet :)  We all three miss Daddy when he is gone!

Well, my sweet Ryan just woke up so I'm going to give him some tummy time and see if I can get him to roll again.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Ryan is smiling now all the time :)  Its so sweet to see his little face light up.  I think I have gotten him to laugh as well.  He gets up about 6am every minoring and this is when I get a lot of one on one time with him b/c no one else is awake (lucky them!).  I actually look forward to that time:)  He is so alert and really wants to be talked to and held.  Yesterday he was in his swing and Luke was watching him and both boys were just smiling at each other.  It was so cute to see that!  I think they will be great buddies.
My poor Luke is getting in his molars so he has been in a lot of pain recently.  But today (even with the rain!) he seems to be feeling better.  He is in a climbing phase now so we have to keep a constant eye on him.  He is still totally obsessed with going outside but I think that is a good thing.  I would rather that then have him watch TV all day.  He loves all his outside toys and also loves to hear all the noises of birds, plains, trucks, buses, etc.  It is so cute to watch him.  Luke also now knows the power of the word please.  He has figured out he gets pretty much anything he wants when he tilts his head and smiles and says "peas".  It is so precious and he knows it!
Scott is back to work today :(  All three of us miss him terribly!  I am looking forward to him having paternity leave again with #3 (ha ha, I hope you are reading this Scott!!!)

Friday, March 27, 2009


Scott surprised me today with a NEW double stroller for the boys!!!  He rocks!

I am so excited!!  The stroller is perfect for old town and I can get in and out of any store.  Because I walk so much and never drive a stroller was essential!  I can not wait to try it out!  

On another note, my sweet Luke is sick :(  He has a chest cold.  Thankfully, today will be nice out so we can go for a walk.  I hope Ryan doesn't catch what he has.  I plan on carrying around Purell with me all day.

Gotta run!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Today I am going to attempt to take the boys to the grocery store ALONE!  I have to say I'm pretty scared.  My game plan is to park, get a cart, stick Ryan in the car seat in the cart, then put luke in the front part.  This does not leave much room for groceries but I cant think of how else to do it??  God I hope its sunny and over 60 soon!  walking to the store with the boys in the stroller is so much easier!
On another note, I have had dinners every night this week!!  Mother of the year :)

Monday, March 23, 2009


Well, its 1pm and so far I am surviving my first day alone with the boys!  

Luke and I read books together and went outside for a bit while Ryan slept in his swing.  Things got a little hectic when Ryan woke up and needed to be feed.  So, I put Luke in the high chair with some yogurt.  I think this was the first time I actually didn't care how much yogurt ended up in his hair and lap!  He was occupied and happy so I could feed Ryan in peace.

When Luke wakes up from his nap I'll give him some lunch and head out for a walk to Trader Joe's.  I plan on putting Ryan in the sling.  I think it will do us all some good to get out of the house for some fresh air.  I'm also hoping that they have some good samples at trader Joe's!

Well, I m going to sit on the couch.  Shower will have to hold off until tonight.  Pony tail and sunglasses for me!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Ryan Michael Border

This post is WAY overdue! My sweet Ryan was born 10:44am on 2/27/2009. This first thing I heard from the doctor as he was being delivered was that he had a full head of black hair. I thought he was joking at first b/c Luke was born totally bald and still doesn't really have much hair (not that he needs it b/c it only makes you notice how beautiful his little face is). I was so excited to see Ryan and will forever remember looking into his eyes for the first time. As with Luke, this has become one of the most amazing moments in my life.

All my fears about sharing my heart and how Luke would manage with a sibling went away the second I saw Ryan. I'm sure most mothers expecting their second child have all felt this. The fear of how you could ever love anyone as much as your first and that your first child would somehow suffer from this. Boy was I wrong! It is amazing how much room my heart has for both my children. My love for Luke and Ryan now sit right next to each other. The love is completely equal yet totally different at the same time. The love a mother has for her children is almost impossible to describe in words. Its a kind of love that I surely never could have imagined existed until I held both Luke and Ryan for the first time and actually felt it. It grows each and every day. Becoming a mother is the most precious gift I have ever been given. There is so much responsibility in the title but the rewards of it seem endless.

I can't wait to see Luke and Ryan grow together. Knowing that they will always have each other is such a comfort to me. I picture them being best of friends. Most of all I look forward to the joy that they will bring to Scott and me for the rest of our lives.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Yesterday i hosted playgroup and my friends surprised me with a baby shower :)  It was so sweet!  I had no idea that they had planned this for me.  I have made some really good friends and I'm so happy that the little ones play so well together.  We see each other about 2 times a week for a couple hours.  Its a great way to get out of the house and play with new toys!  

Oh, and another not so great surprise is that our neighbors 3 doors down were robbed at GUNPOINT on Monday night.  It happened a block up from where we live.  I'm totally freaked out but thankful the couple is OK.  I hope this is a one time deal.  Very very scary.  

Monday, February 9, 2009


I think we finally have a name for our new little man!  We are going to keep it a secret until he arrives :)  I don't want any one's reaction to the name spoil it.  So, if someone is reading this please be sure to pretend like you love the name when we tell you :)

I have size 1 diapers being delivered to the house tomorrow.  I think that pretty much will shock me into believing that TBD really will be here in about 2 1/2 weeks.  Wow,  seeing that in writing is pretty crazy!

I think Scott caught the "nesting" bug b/c he now is researching double strollers like cray.  We are having a hard time deciding what to get.  They are not cheap!  But hopefully this weekend we will have made a decision.

I have to say my main stress is still luke and the adjustment he will have to make.  I'm so worried that he will feel jealous.  I HATE that I wont be able to pick him up for 2 weeks after the baby is born.  I can't talk about it without getting teary (or email b/c right now I'm about to cry).  I hope he won't notice.  Things are going to be busy!!!


Thursday, February 5, 2009


We had our very first open house today at a preschool for Luke.  I was really impressed!  Luke has applied for the 2 year old class.  My only hesitation is that he will be by far one of the youngest in the class.  The cut off on the birthday is 9/30.  Luke barley makes it.  I think he would thrive in it but it may take him a bit more to adjust then the others.  I swear he knows as much as a 2 year old does.  He just doesn't have the verbal ability yet to actually say it. 

The class size for the 2 year olds are 9 children with 2 teachers.  I think that is perfect.  They have music time, Spanish classes, reading, etc.  All of the teachers seemed to be really great and the staff was nice as well.  

We find out in the beginning of March if he gets in.  It is based off of a lottery system so it is totally luck if he gets in.  I'm not holding my breath b/c there are a ton of applicants each year and only 9 are selected.  We will see!

Luke was such a good boy the entire time we were there.  The other little girl had a mini melt down but somehow Luke managed to keep it together!  He loved the blocks in the classroom and the fish on the rug :)

Next week I have another open house to go to so I hope I like that one as well.  

Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 random things about me

1.  I have a TERRIBLE fear of food poisoning.
2.  I have to wash my hands 3 times after touching raw meat (b/c of the whole food poisoning thing).
3.  I can not go to sleep with dishes still left in the sink.
4.  I have to say I love you to Scott whenever we get off the phone or leave the house separately (even if I'm super pissed at him).
5.  I love being pregnant even with all its discomforts.
6.  I still crack up every time I see Scott laugh really hard (even when I have no idea what he is laughing at).  He cries when he laughs and doesn't take a breath.  I'm starting to laugh now thinking about it.
7.  I remember the first time I met Scott like it was yesterday :)  But love him more everyday.
8.  I adore my son Luke.
9.  Every time I think about TBD I get that nervous/excited feeling and can't wait to see who he looks like.
10.  I love when Luke smiles at me - melts my heart.
11.  I could eat golden delicious apples everyday (I sort of do unless they aren't the right shade of yellow).
12.  I think everyone in my family are some of the funniest people in the world.
13.  I miss snow days as a child sooooooo much.
14.  I HATED high school.
15.  I have to sleep with socks on - no matter how hot it is outside.
16.  I hate wearing shorts.  
17.  Christmas time is by far the best time in the entire year.
18.  I have ridiculously sweaty hands.
19.  I would love to be on a soap opera.
20.  I don't think there is anything better than a good laugh.
21.  I go to Balduccis almost everyday just to get some of the pound cake samples (I also take more than one piece but think its OK b/c I'm pregnant).
22.  I miss being a child and feel so lucky to have such wonderful parents and brothers.
23.  I prefer living in the city WAY WAY better then the country.
24.  I feel lucky every day when I wake up.
25.  I love my little family more than anything in the entire world - nobody s*&%! on my pickle/kids and gets away with it!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Where is the Letter A?

I think Luke may now know some of his letters!  In the tub tonight I asked him where the letter A was and he actually found it!  It is so amazing how much his brain is like a little sponge.  I think he knows way more then I realize and everyday he does something new.  I'm trying to get him to identify shapes now.  So far he knows star and possibly heart.  Genius!

Luke also loves doing flash cards.  I have about 200 different cards that we do EVERY day.  He LOVES them.  I actually have to hide them from him sometimes b/c its all that he will want to do.  I should also mention that he also loves to throw them across the room and then run on top of them :)

If you can't tell already I'm a very proud mama!  

Monday, January 26, 2009


I know its my fault that I blew a fuse this morning.  But, its NOT my fault that the fuse box is located behind the water heater and that my belly is to big for me to reach it.  So, not only now do we have no power upstairs BUT the darn fire alarm is now beeping EVERY minute.  As I write this a huge truck is backing up in our ally with its reverse beeper on.  I think I may jump out the window!!!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009


I can understand why my stomach is huge now.  The doctor told me that TBD is about 6 pounds at this stage.  What I don't understand is why my arms are the size of my thighs?????  As far as I know, babies grow in a women's uterus not any other body part!  Ugh.  I think at this point in every women's pregnancy there is a fear that maybe you will be this fat forever.  I have to remind myself that the weight does come off.  The only backfire to the weight coming off is the new meaning of gravity that I have.  Things just hang lower that never did before!  

I don't have time to get into the whole breastfeeding saga but last night I was thinking about it at 3am.  I am sooooooooo dreading the first few weeks!!  No one ever warned me about that.  To make a long story short I made Dolly Parton look flat!  I literally had boobs growing out of my arm pitts.  We have pictures that show my cleavage beginning at my collar bone.  It was crazy!  They give you an epidural for child birth and I think they should consider it for breastfeeding as well.  Thankfully, it does get better.  Double thankfully, you burn 500 extra calories!

What I am most looking forward to is the first time I see TBD.  I remember it perfectly with Luke.  His eyes were wide open and we just stared at each other.  It was one of the most amazing experiences in my life.  I swear he knew me.  I can not wait for that moment again.  I now understand what my mom meant when she would tell me that I have no idea what its like to love a child until you have one yourself.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

35 weeks!

 I went to the doctor yesterday and I found out i am 35 weeks!!  Its crazy how close we are to TBD's arrival!  I feel sort of ready but I still need to get a few more items.  My mom and I organized all his clothes and put them away.  That was a huge help.  All I need to do now is to buy new pacifiers, nipples, and diapers.  I think I will head out to Buy Buy Baby this weekend to get that all done.  I don't want to be stressed out next month feeling like I have so much to do.  We need TBD to stay put until his due date :)

I am starting to get nervous about how Luke will handle all of this.  I get a little teary thinking that he may get jealous or have hurt feelings.  He is still a little guy so its not like I can explain things to him.  The good thing is that new babies sleep so much in the beginning so I can still have one on one time with Luke and shower him with attention.  It is amazing how much room my heart has for these two little boys (and for the biggest Border boy of course!)

So many people ask me if now all I want is a little girl.  That would be great but I have to say right now I am totally in love with all my boys!

Friday, January 16, 2009

4 day weekend!!!!

I am sooooo excited to have a 4 day weekend!  

It's about 5 degrees outside so we will be inside the entire time but I am not complaining :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I don't have anything exciting to report but I am looking forward to the 4 day weekend!  My mom will be in town and she is going to be a huge help and watch Luke while Scott and I finish off the 3rd bedroom.  I hope to also get the basement organized as well.  

Right now our biggest challenge has been trying to find two chairs for the living room.  I have ordered swatches from pottery barn so hopefully we can figure something out.  I don't want to rush and buy something that in 2 weeks I'll hate.   It is always best to take your time.

Ugh, I just ate left over chili from last night and I can already tell I am going to get heart burn.  TBD must be up really high b/c I have never had heart burn or acid reflux before.  I honestly don't know how people deal with that everyday!  

I think I'll lay down now while I can before my Luke man wakes up.

Friday, January 9, 2009


I am so excited about my quilt!!  I have the top completely finished and I think it looks so great!  the only thing left to do is to stuff it and sew on the back.  My friend Maritza is also going to help me embroider on the back of it my name and the date.  I want to sign my work to show proof that I actually made it!  It is really pretty and I hope Luke and TBD enjoy it.  

It was a lot of fun to make and even relaxing.  I hope to be able to make some more eventually.  Maritza is so talented and a great teacher.  She loves doing creative projects like this so I'm happy to join in as long as she has the patience to help me :) I actually really want to learn how to embroider b/c I think that would be so pretty to do on sheets or pillows, etc.  

Today we are off to the doctors for TBD's check up.  Poor Luke HATES going to the doctor b/c he is stuck in his stroller but I plan on taking him to the toy store after.  Speaking of Luke I think i hear him now waking up from his nap. 

More later.